Location Service / Reserch Service

Location Service / Reserch Service

Read more about our location service

Our location department specializes in finding and securing suitable locations for your film and photo shoot projects.

Our experienced location scouts, location managers and location coordinators are highly qualified professionals in all aspects of film location services. Whether feature films, television shows, commercials or photo shoots – our competent team will help you find the perfect locations for your specific requirements and bring your vision to life.

Our services go beyond simply identifying locations. We take care of every detail and ensure that the locations are not only visually ideal, but also practically feasible. This includes obtaining necessary filming permits, complying with local regulations and coordinating logistics to ensure a smooth filming process.

With our extensive network and knowledge of local and unique places, we can provide locations that give your project the right atmosphere and authenticity.

Trust us to handle the complexities of location coordination so you can focus on the creative aspects of your production. 

Read more about our research service

Discover the full scope of our research services in Japan, designed specifically to meet your individual needs.

Our team of experts carry out in-depth and customized research, ensuring that the information we provide is not only accurate, but also perfectly suits your specific goals and requirements.

Whether you need detailed insights for a media project, background information for a film or documentary, or a detailed review for a publication, our research team is happy to support you.  We expertise in cultural researches, collecting historical data, checking location specifics, following market trends and much more.

We understand the nuances and complexities of obtaining and verifying information in Japan, from its rich history to its modern dynamics. Our research service is your gateway to a deeper understanding of Japan, providing you with the accurate information you need to make informed decisions or enrich your projects.